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International training on co-producing educational resources adopting STE(A)M apporaches

The objective of CHOICE is to increase young people’s motivation to choose STEM careers through a practice-oriented multidisciplinary STE(A)M approach to education.

STEM stands for the academic disciplines Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to which STE(A)M approach adds another dimension. The “(A)” stands for Arts or, in some interpretations, it means All and indicates involving all other academic subjects in STEM education – connecting teaching and learning STEM with social and humanistic studies, language learning or artistic, creative as well as sports activities.

To make teaching and learning of STEM subject more interesting, engaging and motivating for students, the CHOICE project will offer a set of 20 Open Educational Resources (OER) based on the STEAM approach, and co-created by teachers and their students. 

While the teachers, as the subject experts, will guarantee the quality of the content and academic value of the resources, the students will ensure that the resources will be attractive and motivating for their peers. 

On 27th and 28th January 2021, CESIE held an international training where 30 secondary school teachers from Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Greece learned how to co-produce educational resources adopting STE(A)M approach, shared and discussed their ideas for topics and methodologies, and prepared the first drafts. Teams in each implementing country will now co-produce innovative Open Educational Resources (OER) addressing 5 macro-areas:

1.    Connecting STEM and arts
2.    Experiential projects
3.    Using languages in STEM lessons
4.    Using technology in social sciences 
5.    Turning sports and physical activity into a STEM learning experience

The topics and content of the educational resources will be consulted with professionals from STEM-related academic and business field in each country to ensure that the new resources reflect practical application of the subjects in real-world context.

The core partners are collaborating with local schools on the implementation of the project and the development of CHOICE educational resources, namely:

  • In Italy CESIE is collaborating with Liceo Scientifico Benedetto Croce 

  • In Greece EUROTraining is collaborating with the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece

  • In Cyprus GrantXpert is collaborating with Grammar School Nicosia

  • Finally, in Spain Blue Room Innovation is collaborating with Institut de Maçanet de la Selva

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