These results are developed during the implementation of the project.
National Reports
National reports gathering findings on local and regional initiatives connected to the reform of STEM education, best practices, students' attitudes and teachers' aproaches at local and EU level.
Available here for:
Reflective Practice Case Study Compendium
This is a collection of case-studies discussed during the reflective groups with experts from companies, Higher Education Institutions and local authorities conducted in 4 countries. The groups identified a set of issues at university, labour-market and policy level demonstrating the need to adopt a STE(A)M approach.
Available in:
Comparative Piloting Analysis
This Comparative Piloting Analysis presents and examines the piloting of the CHOICE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on STE(A)M education implemented with more than 760 students in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and
Spain. It provides partners’ insights and observations, participants’ feedback as well as recommendations for the finalisation of the MOOC.
Available in:
CHOICE@SCHOOL Good Practice Tool
This document intends to guide schools, directors and teachers in integrating the CHOICE approaches and tools to their curricula and STEM teaching practices, especially in applying the CHOICE MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on STE(A)M education. It considers the experiences and lessons learnt from the piloting implemented in partner countries as well as challenges and opportunities arising from the application STE(A)M education in partner schools.
Available in:
Cross-country Comparative Analysis of MOOC Evaluation Data – Executive Summary
This document summarises the results of the impact evaluation on students (Impact evaluation measuring the attitudinal change of students before, during and after piloting) and teachers (Impact evaluation of the piloting on teachers before teacher training, during and after the piloting) who participated in the CHOICE MOOC piloting carried out in the period from September 2021 to September 2022 in four implementation countries (Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Spain).
Available in:
Teachers' Training on the use of STE(A)M approaches
CHOICE partners in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Spain trained secondary school teachers in the use of CHOICE MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for STE(A)M-based STEM education. This is a summary of the local trainings with information on the training content and organisation.
Available in:
Policy and advocacy recommendations
CHOICE Policy and advocacy recommendations is a key document supporting the reform of the school curricula on regional, national and
European level. It promotes the shift from STEM teaching in silos to a more interdisciplinary and practice-oriented approach of STE(A)M education as proposed in the CHOICE MOOC on STE(A)M education, and integrating this innovative digital-based instrument into teaching practice.
Available in:
Cross-country Comparative Analysis of MOOC Evaluation Data – Full report
This document presents the results of the impact evaluation on students (Impact evaluation measuring the attitudinal change of students before, during and after piloting) and teachers (Impact evaluation of the piloting on teachers before teacher training, during and after the piloting) who participated in the CHOICE MOOC piloting carried out in the period from September 2021 to September 2022 in four implementation countries (Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Spain).
Available in: