CHOICE aims to promote and improve STEM education at schools by designing innovative Open Educational Resources (OERs) collected in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that will increase the professional competences of teachers by equipping them with a STE(A)M approach of teaching.
By proposing a practice-oriented, ICT-based educational approach and an innovative STE(A)M-based training path, CHOICE shall:
Boost young people’s interest towards STEM subjects and careers, thus contributing to produce a workforce capable of tackling complex societal challenges
Involve teachers and students in a cross-disciplinary bottom-up learning process promoting the use of innovative pedagogies focused on a constructive interaction between STEM and non-STEM subjects.
Promote coordination and collaboration among education institutions, business, local authorities as key stakeholders able to support the reform of STEM curricula at school, turning them into multipliers supporting critical career choice of students
Support transnational cooperation and mutual learning among and within education institutions promoting innovative STE(A)M approaches to STEM education entailing a systemic impact on education systems.
The main outputs of CHOICE are easily transferable and implementable into different national contexts across Europe and beyond. More specifically they include:
State of the Art study, Reflective practice case-study compendium, Framework for reforming STEM curricula & Comparative Piloting Analysis.
Working guidelines “Non-formal education for promoting co-production of educational resources”, OERs & MOOC.
Good practice tool CHOICE@SCHOOL, Policy recommendations.
Main Target Groups:
The joint effort of partners and key stakeholders towards the design of the CHOICE outputs are a proof of the diverse expertise available at EU level bundled within the project, which shall be used to benefit all of the involved parties in the partner countries and beyond:
Students will be able to provide first-hand-knowledge about interests, attitudes and challenges related to STEM education in the school, becoming “makers” of their own educational resources and better informed about the opportunities offered by STEM subjects.
Teachers and school institutions will be able to provide insight into teaching routines, existing problems and good practices in the school context, playing an active role in the production of educational resources and will become closer to their students and better aware of their needs.
Higher Education Institution representatives and business experts will provide insights on the skills future students of STEM fields need to possess. They will have the chance to provide first-hand information on their fields of study, on current challenges the labour market is facing, and on skill demands in the labour market. Through their involvement as role models, they will thus motivate students to make a critical choice for their academic study path. In the long term, they will benefit from a renovated interest into STEM subjects at university and employment level.
Policy-makers will be able to build on the project action and approach to enhance the impact and effectiveness of existing policy initiatives related to STEM education, and will be empowered by providing their insights for the design of policy recommendations able to be multiplied to other systems